Sunday, August 17, 2014

Explore Your Library

You really should explore your library. You never know what literary treats you may find! That is just what I did last week. At our library there are small shelves located near where we check out books called 'librarian's picks' where some of the staff pick out some of their own favourite books. I didn't find much there this time around, but that's the way it goes sometimes. But I didn't give up! The research section is located off to the left. These shelves are only half shelves, and organized in the shape of a rectangle but only 3 sided and in the middle there are tables and chairs so you can do research, put together a puzzle, or whatever you like really. Yes, our library has jigsaw puzzles that you can sit and put together. There are more things that you can do there than just read. ANYway, back to my story :) Along the top of the shelves of encyclopedias and other research materials, there are small shelves on top of 'new books' 'gardening books' 'quick reads' and what caught my eye was the 'summer reads'
This is where I found my gem, the novel called "Just Like Me Only Better" by Carol Snow.
The story of a divorced mom, who really doesn't know if she loved her husband or not... trying to deal her ex and the fact he left her for an OLDER yes older woman... she's 29 and the woman Hank left her for was in her 50's! Not only that, she's trying to balance her job as substitute teacher and fulfilling the deal with driving her landlord's kids to school in return for cheaper rent. The only problem is these 'precious' kids are late every day, making her late for her job!
Things get interesting when she is increasingly mistaken for a famous starlet, and when out in LA celebrating her birthday she is 'discovered' by said starlet's manager and personal assistant. The story gets even better when she is 'hired' (at $100/hr how could she say no?) to pretend to be Haley, let people take her picture, sign autographs, etc.... giving Haley some much needed 'downtime' to 'recharge'

Want to read more? I know I sure did, I finished this book in 1 day I just couldn't put it down. I won't give away any more of the story but it is fantastic, and made me laugh out loud more than one time.

Check out this book for sure, you won't be disappointed!

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