Sunday, July 26, 2015

Review: If It Bleeds by Linda Richards

When reading the summary of the book on the back cover, I was immediately drawn in and thought  this sounds like it's going to be a pretty intense book.  But I should have realized, being part of the 'Rapid Reads' series, that there really wasn't enough time for all of the intensity that the story had the potential to be.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good plot line with some interesting characters that the main character, Nicole Charles, interacts with.  Some things did really stand out for me while reading it though, how for her gossip column she had to make sure to get enough 'boob shots' because you know, that's what the readers want.  Or the fact that when she submitted her story to the editor, Mike, about the murder that both she and crime reporter Brent Hartigan were covering, that she received no recognition for the pictures that were printed, that Hartigan literally took her opening to the story and claimed it for his own.  Mike, when confronted, backed Hartigan's decisions on the story.  Later in the story, Nicole comes upon a big break in gaining information... she breaks into the murdered artist's studio. Did the police not find out the deceased had a studio, would they have not found this information? Was Nicole not worried about being charged with breaking and entering?
There were a lot of little things like this that just didn't hold true for me, but overall it was still a decent story. Perhaps some of the seemingly useless information that was spoken about in the book will be referred to in future novellas about this character.

It took me less than 2 hours to read this novella, recommend for a quick read when you're just looking for a quick moving  mystery to occupy your mind.

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