Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday's Minutes

Weekend Update, Pre-orders, and an Author Giveaway

Did everyone enjoy their weekend? Happy Monday! It's that day again, the one that everyone hates... Actually I don't hate Mondays.. as long as there is coffee... or tea.. and lots of it! 

So, this weekend I didn't even pick up my Kindle. Or a physical book. Nothing. Nadda.  I'm as surprised as you are! We were away for the Under 14s hockey games with my nephew and I brought my Kindle and a book with me, but put them aside. We spent a lot of time in the rink and just hanging together and having fun, and that's what it's all about! 

So, this week I've got a few books to review, I need to organize my book shelves; I was given some more books from a cousin (thanks Pam!) and I found a bag of books that I'd purchased and forgot I had them.. you know, put them in a safe place and then forget said safe place haha   I also have some hockey games to go to, and a girl's night out.  

I pre-ordered a couple of books for my Kindle, the upcoming release The Caller by M.A. Comley and Tara Lyons 

(you can preorder HERE) due out on June 16th 


The Sister by Louise Jensen 
(you can preorder HERE) due out July 7th.  

Mel Comley also has a great giveaway going on over on her Facebook Page  so head on over there and check that out! 

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! What did you do this weekend, did you read any good books? Do you have any recommendations for books for me? Leave me a message in the comments or be sure to shoot me an email using the 
'contact me' link to let me know! 

Enjoy your day and happy reading! 

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